Monday, June 28, 2010

Crazy Madness!

That's what it feels like we're in the middle of.
We moved, as in drove to our new home from our old home last Monday, and on Tuesday, we unloaded a huge moving truck and smallish trailer of all our earthly belongings (except for the belongings we had already moved). Tuesday afternoon, my dear friend Kristen and her husband Jon helped us cut a rather large hole in our ceiling and by Wednesday evening, new stringers for a staircase were in place and the old one was ripped out.
Since then, we've been doing our level best to unpack some things and at the same
time try to make the new staircase relatively safe for the little people have adopted it as their new playground.
I'm includ
ing a few pictures of where we're at and as soon as I find my other camera I'll post a couple I took of the gorgeous orange shag carpet that was the old staircase.

The new staircase and butler's pantry to be as seen from the existing kitchen.

Downstairs hallway from master bedroom toward kitchen.

upstairs from boys room toward sewing room/bathroom to be area. The stairs are on the right through the door.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chandelier Update

So, here's where we got to over the weekend!! The frame is done, except for needing a couple more coats of finish. It's made of walnut and receiving a danish oil finish.

Now comes further decision making.
I had originally intended to wrap it with natural linen (on the inside so the frame still showed), but now that I have it this far, I'm second guessing that line of thought. I kind of think it would look great with no fabric and just a bulb, or maybe white linen is a better choice. And then there's the question of a diffuser. So, if you have an opinion, let me know. Either way, I'll post further pictures when it's done!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

when your taste gets expensive . . .

build it yourself! Or at least give it a really noble effort. So, I'm working on a chandelier/pendant to go over my island. The frame is built of black walnut and will be about 20"w x 20"h x 14"d.
This is as far as I got today. Cut pieces of frame to length and width, cut lap joints for the top and bottom of the frame, turned the finial to top the piece and drilled through it (my bit was JUST BARELY long enough), and cut two of the . . . trusses? I'm not sure what to call those things that attach the finial to the rest of the frame.

Here's where we're at:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

and to go with my horse trough . . .

small bathroom with a bucket sink

compliments of Southern Accents

More kitchen inspiration

I adore this kitchen! I especially love this baking station with the stand mixer at a lower height! Not a fan of the totally '80's golden oak, but still think it's a brilliant idea.

I also think this little bench seat built into the side of the island is brilliant! Particularly for anyone who would have a multitude of little sous-chefs around . . . . hmm . . .

all photos courtesy of House Beautiful

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the most important things . . .

So, we just found this swing set on Craigslist for FREE and it's in the town we're moving to! We're hoping that the people getting rid of it will let us have it! How awesome would that be?!
image 1782306496-0

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tile love!

The most beautiful tile ever? Very possibly.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

she ain't gonna look like this for long!!

Here is the existing kitchen. It's been existing pretty much in this manner since about 1970, I think.

here is the driveway side of OUR HOUSE!!!! Little excited about that.

Also pictured is one of it's adorable new residents.

someone stole my bedroom!!

seriously! There are my windows (minus the blinds, plus linen panels or roman shades), my wicker chair (painted some other color, maybe blue or red) my wood plank walls, my bed with a loved quilt, even my cradle under the window!

So this place has the best price I've found so far on recessed lighting supplies and a lot of other stuff. I checked and it's not to wholesale only either.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

and on the home/coop-front . . .

These are the type of chicken coops I want. I think they're inspired and lovely. You can move them (code for moving their fertilizer/bug control properties), cause they don't weigh tons and the bottoms/floors are chicken wire. Plus they're just so CUTE! Won't they be CUTE with my CUTE little banty chickens (CUTE little brown eggs) and CUTE Auracanas (CUTE green and blue eggs) and CUTE quail (CUUUUUUTTEEEE little speckled brown eggs) with their little CUTE head feather thingies!!?!?!? My mother said she doesn't think there is anyone else who picks out breeds of fowl based on how CUTE they or their eggs are, but I disagree. They're out there. I'm sure of it.

portable chicken coop small